Claudio Rodriguez Fer, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Claudio Rodriguez Fer

Spanish writer

Date of Birth: 06-Apr-1956

Place of Birth: Lugo, Galicia, Spain

Profession: writer, poet, playwright, storyteller, university teacher, literary critic, essayist

Nationality: Spain

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Claudio Rodriguez Fer

  • Claudio Rodríguez Fer (Lugo, Galicia, 1956) is a Galician writer.
  • He is the author of numerous literary works (poetry, narrative, theatre and essay) in the Galician language and of works of modern literary studies in Spanish.
  • He was a Visiting Professor at the City University of New York, University Paris Est Marne-La Vallèe at the University of Southern Brittany and at the Université Haute Bretagne at Rennes, where he was awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa.
  • He is Director of the Chair José Ángel Valente of Poetry and Aesthetic at Universidade of Santiago de Compostela, where he also directs the Moenia magazine.
  • With Carmen Blanco, he coordinates the intercultural and libertarian magazine Unión Libre.
  • Cadernos de vida e culturas.
  • He has published, spoken, and read his work in numerous parts of Europe, America and Africa. Claudio Rodríguez Fer published his collected poems in Amores e clamores [Love and Cries; Ediciós do Castro, 2011] and his narrative in Contos e descontos [Stories and Not; Toxosoutos, 2011]. He grouped his poetry in thematic cycles: the erotic, in Vulva (1990), which includes Poemas de amor sen morte [Poems of Love Without Death; 1979], Tigres de ternura [Tender Tigers, 1981], Historia da lúa [Moon Story, 1984], A boca violeta [Violet Mouth, 1987] and Cebra [Zebra, 1988]; film, in Cinepoemas [Filmpoems, 1983]; music, in A muller sinfonía (Cancioneiro vital), 2018); historical themes, in the Memory Trilogy, comprising Lugo Blues [1987], A loita continúa [The Struggle Continues, 2004], and Ámote vermella [I Love You Red, 2009]; and the nomadic poems, which to date include Extrema Europa [1996], A unha muller desconocida [To an Unknown Woman, 1997], Viaxes a ti [Trips to You, 2006] and Unha tempada no paraíso [A Stay in Paradise, 2010], this last volume with an in-depth commentary by Olga Novo. His critical work includes Poesía galega [Galician Poetry, 1989], Arte Literaria [1991], A literatura galega durante a guerra civil [Galician Literature During the Civil War, 1994], Acometida atlántica [Atlantic Attack, 1996], Guía de investigación literaria [1998] and numerous books and editions on the narrator Ánxel Fole and the poet José Ángel Valente, along with other Galician (Castelao, Dieste, Carballo, Ángel Johan, Cunqueiro) and non-Galician (Dostoevsky, Machado, Borges, Neruda, Cernuda) writers. Translated to English in "Beyond and other poems", by Diana Conchado, Kathleen N.
  • March, Julian Palley and Jonathan Dunne, Birmingham-Oxford, Galician Review, 3–4, 1999–2000, 105–132; in Entre duas augas, by Kathleen N.
  • March, Santiago de Compostela, Amaranta Press, 2003, 13–23; in Contemporary Galician Poets ("An Old Man and a Boy (Revolutionary Project on Lugo Wall)" and "From Trace of Woman"), by Jonathan Dunne, A Poetry Review Supplement, Xunta de Galicia, 2010, 52–55; Tender Tigers, by Kathleen N.
  • March, Noia, Editorial Toxosoutos, 2012; Rosalia's Revolution in New York, by Kathleen N.
  • March, Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, A tola soñando, 2014, and Deathless Loves, by Diana Conchado and others, Santiago de Compostela, Edicións Follas Novas, 2015. In prose: An Anthology of Galician Short Stories.
  • Así vai o conto, by Kathleen March, Lewiston-Queenston-Lampeter, Edwin Mellen Press, 1991, 144–149,

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