Gheorghe Păun, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Gheorghe Păun

Romanian computer scientist

Date of Birth: 06-Dec-1950

Place of Birth: Arges, Romania

Profession: engineer, computer scientist, mathematician, bioinformatician

Nationality: Romania

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Gheorghe Păun

  • Gheorghe Paun (Romanian: ['ge?orge p?'un]; born December 6, 1950 in Cicane?ti, Arge? County) is a computer scientist from Romania, prominent for work on membrane computing and the P system. Paun studied mathematics at the University of Bucharest, obtaining an MSc.
  • in 1974 and a PhD in 1977 under the direction of Solomon Marcus.
  • He has been a researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy since 1990.
  • Paun was elected a member of the Academia Europaea in 2006, and a titular member of the Romanian Academy in 2012.
  • He supervised the PhD thesis of 5 students.

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