Sayyed Gholamreza Rouhani alias Ajjeneh (Persian: ??????? ???????)
17 May 1897 to 29 August 1985, was an Iranian humorous poet.
Mohamad Ali Jamalzadeh called him "the chief of humorous poets".
Gholamreza Rouhani was born on 21st of Ordibehesht 1276 A.P (17 May 1897) in Mashhad.
In 1919 at the age of 22 his poetry was published in several newspapers and various publications in Teheran such as Gooleh Zard, Nassim Shomal, Nahid, Omid and Tofigh.
In 1921 Rouhani joined the Literary Society.
The first forum was in the home of Shaikh-ol-raiis Afsar and later at the home of professor Mohammad Ali Naseh.
In 1923 he became associated with some theater and music clubs including “Jameh Barbad” which was founded by Professor Ismael Mehrtash.
Rouhani wrote many humorous poems for the theater and many of them became publicly famous.
In 1934 a collection of his poems called Tallyehe fokahyat Rouhani with an acknowledgment written by Sayyed Mohamad Ali Jamalzadeh was published.
Due to popular demand it had to be reprinted again in 1935.
In 1964 the complete collection of his poems entitled Kolyat ashar v fokahyat Rouhani, Ajjeneh (Complete humorous poems of Rouhani, Ajjeneh) was published by Sanai press.
These type of humorous poems were not widely recognized in the new period of Persian literature and very little was known about them.
Gradually the poems of Sayyed Gholamreza Rouhani became a valuable source of inspiration for young people.
Today in Iran there are numerous "humorous" societies.
He was an active member of several literary societies such as Hakim Nezamy (Vahid Dastgerdi), Farhangstan (Mlkalshar-ay-baharr), Literary Society of Shiraz, Literary Society of Azrabadgan, Literary Society of Tehran, Hafez Literary Society, Literary Society of Saneb, Nasr Literary Society, Daneshoravan Literary Society, and other associations and literary circles.
Rouhani was also active in creating songs as well as serious and humorous poems for music and theater clubs to be used in concerts and shows.
Sayyed Gholamreza Rouhani died in Tehran, Iran on September 1985 at the age of 88.
Professor Jamalzadeh called him “The chief of humorous poets" and Mohammad Taghi Bahar remembers him in his poem after Iraj Mirza and Sayyed Ashrafaldyn Gilani.