Gideon Orkar, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Gideon Orkar

Nigerian politician and army officer

Date of Birth: 04-Oct-1952

Date of Death: 27-Jul-1990

Profession: politician

Nationality: Nigeria

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Gideon Orkar

  • Major Gideon Gwaza Orkar (October 4, 1952 - July 27, 1990) was a Nigerian military officer who staged a violent coup against the government of General Ibrahim Babangida on April 22, 1990.
  • Orkar and his conspirators seized the FRCN radio station, various military posts around Lagos and the Dodan Barracks, Lagos, the military headquarters and presidential residence.
  • Babangida was present when the barracks were attacked but managed to escape by a back route.In his coup address, Orkar called for the excision of five northern states.
  • However, the coup was crushed by the Babangida regime and Orkar was executed.

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