Glenn McCoy, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Glenn McCoy


Date of Birth: 19-Jun-1965

Place of Birth: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Profession: comics artist, editorial cartoonist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Glenn McCoy

  • Glenn McCoy (born 1965) is a conservative American cartoonist, whose work includes the comic strip The Duplex and the daily panel he does with his brother Gary entitled The Flying McCoys.
  • McCoy previously produced editorial cartoons until May 2018, when he refocused his career on animations after being discharged from his job of 22 years at the Belleville News-Democrat All three cartoon features are syndicated by Andrews McMeel Syndication.His cartoons almost invariably take a conservative perspective, among other things entailing entreaties on behalf of the unborn, as well as emphasizing the "CHRIST" in a "Merry Christmas!" greeting and other explicitly Christian messaging.
  • He frequently targeted former President Obama, even after Obama was no longer president, but has so far refrained from offering meaningful criticism of the presidency of Donald Trump.
  • He also targeted "Democrats", labeled by word in his cartoons, at least ten times between 2016 and when he was terminated in 2018, yet never criticized "Republicans" in the same way.
  • The subject of allegedly downtrodden conservatives was also a common element in his work, particularly during the last several years of his career .
  • He helped to further the pronounced conservative victim narrative that became prominent in American political discourse in the early 21st century. He frequently accused others of "petty politics", yet he was more guilty than most of practicing the very same, with frequent disparagements of Democrats and those with leftist beliefs with whom he disagreed.
  • After ostensibly quitting his profession in the wake of receiving fierce criticism for his "Trying to Trash Betsy DeVos" cartoon, receiving vitriol not dissimilar from what he had doled out to others in the past, he was accused of being an intellectual bully "who could dish it out but couldn't take it".
  • The editorial that bid him adieu as he departed from the News-Democrat states, "Political discourse is no longer a battle of ideas, but is now filled with personal attacks.
  • Those attacks too often progress beyond character assassination to actual threats to livelihood and people." It was subsequently observed that this statement is hypocritical, coming on behalf of a man who once equated an abortion clinic shooter with an actual abortionist.

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