Gloria Lisé, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Gloria Lisé

Argentine musician, writer and academic

Date of Birth: 26-Mar-1961

Place of Birth: Salta Province, Argentina

Profession: writer, lawyer, musician

Nationality: Argentina

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Gloria Lisé

  • Gloria Lisé (born March 22, 1961) is an Argentine writer, lawyer, professor, and an accomplished musician.
  • She is the author of Con los Pies en el Escenario: Trayectoria del Grupo Arte Dramático y su Director Salo Lisé (2003), a book based on the life of her father, and Viene Clareando (2005), which was chosen by Argentina’s National Commission for the Protection of Public Libraries for distribution to the country’s public libraries.
  • Viene Clareando, whose title refers to Atahualpa Yupanqui's famous song of the same name, will be published in the United States as Departing at Dawn by The Feminist Press at CUNY in 2009.

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