Gursharan Kaur (born 13 September 1937) is the wife of the 13th Prime Minister of India, Manmohan Singh.
Gurusharan was born to Sardar Chattar Singh Kohli, an engineer of Burmah-Shell, and Sardarni Bhagwanti Kaur in Jalandhar on 13 September 1937 in British India.
Her ancestral village was Dhakkam in Jhelum district (now in Punjab, Pakistan).
She has four sisters and a younger brother.
Singh is known in the Sikh community of Delhi for her kirtan singing, and has also appeared on Jalandhar Radio.Since her husband became Prime Minister in 2004, she has accompanied him abroad on state visits.
However, the family has largely stayed out of the limelight.
Their three daughters - Upinder, Daman and Amrit, have successful, non-political, careers.
Upinder Kaur is a professor of history at Delhi University.
She has written six books, including Ancient Delhi (1999) and A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India (2008).
Daman Singh is a graduate of St.
Stephen's College, Delhi and Institute of Rural Management, Anand, Gujarat, and author of The Last Frontier: People and Forests in Mizoram and a novel Nine by Nine.