Akash Manoj (born 21 December 2001) is an Indian cardiology researcher and inventor from Tamil Nadu.
He is known for his award-winning research on "silent" heart attacks.
Akash lost his grandfather due to a silent heart attack when he was thirteen.
Silent heart attacks strike at-risk patients who are affected by nerve damage.
Unlike most teenagers, inspired by the intricacies of the problem, Manoj translated his emotions into social motivation and, eventually, into action.
At the end of three years of research and experiments funded by the Government of India at various labs across India, including SRISTI-BIRAC, he developed a novel technique that can non-invasively detect and alert at-risk patients of a potential asymptomatic heart-attack.
His method involves transcutaneously isolating, identifying, spectroscopically analyzing, and sensing elevation in the levels of a cardiac biomarker called heart-type fatty acid binding protein (h-FABP) in realtime – a process that significantly establishes a path to preventative cardiovascular healthcare.