Gülten Akın, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Gülten Akın


Date of Birth: 23-Jan-1933

Place of Birth: Yozgat, Turkey

Date of Death: 04-Nov-2015

Profession: writer, lawyer, poet

Nationality: Turkey

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Gülten Akın

  • Gülten Akin (23 January 1933 – 4 November 2015) was a Turkish poet.
  • Her poetry is considered to be culturally significant to Turkey.Akin was born in 1933 in Yozgat, Turkey.
  • She attended Besiktas Atatürk Anatolian High School and graduated from Ankara University Law School in 1955.
  • She married her husband Yasar Cankoçak in 1956, with whom she has five children.
  • Because of her husband's position as the governor of various provincial districts in Turkey, she moved around several provinces of Turkey, working as a lawyer, assistant lawyer and teacher in many of them.
  • In 1972, Akin and her family settled in Ankara, where she worked at the Turkish Language Association, the regulatory body of the Turkish language, and became a member of the Editorial Team at the Ministry of Culture.
  • She worked for the reestablishment of free and democratic non-governmental organizations.
  • She served as a founder and/or manager at several such Turkish organizations, such as the Human Rights Association, Halkevleri (community centers) and the Language Association (Dil Dernegi). Akin's first published poem appeared in the newspaper Son Haber in 1951.
  • She subsequently appeared in several magazines, such as Hisar, Varlik, Yeditepe, Türk Dili and Mülkiye.
  • While her early poems were about nature, love, separation, and yearning, her later poems were dominated by social issues. Her poems are inspired a great deal by folklore.
  • In the compilation book of her analytical writings on poetry, Siiri Düzde Kusatmak ("Surrounding Poetry with Simplicity"), Akin expressed her desire to get down to the level of the general populace in her poems, saying that she wanted to "put into words and writing the already-existing essence and form that exists among the people, and while promoting the poem, promoting the improvement of the lives and lifestyles of the people." Her poems have been translated into many languages, and more than 40 of her poems have been composed into songs.
  • One of these songs is the 1993 "Deli Kizin Türküsü" (English: Crazy Girl's Ballad) by Sezen Aksu, which was also the title of the album it appeared on. Akin also authored short plays. Milliyet named her as having been the most influential Turkish poet since Fazil Hüsnü Daglarca.

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