Tompa Eken, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Tompa Eken

Swedish musician

Date of Birth: 17-Jul-1950

Place of Birth: Stockholm, Sweden

Profession: musician

Nationality: Sweden

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Tompa Eken

  • Tommy Ekengren, born 17 July 1950 and more known as Tompa Eken, is one of the driving forces behind Kafé 44 in Stockholm and a central figure in the Stockholm punk and the garage rock scene.
  • Prior to Kafe 44 Tompa was also one of the forces behind the Ultra house in Haninge, where he made the legendary ultra buns.
  • Tompa still bakes them himself to each event and serves to both band and audience. In 1988 he was awarded the Dagens Nyheter's culture prize Guldkängan.
  • In the magazine Buss på Stockholm he was placed on eight place when they listed the 100 most important people of Stockholm through the ages.As a thanks for his dedication to young, aspiring punk-rock band and has among other the trallpunk band De lyckliga kompisarna written a tribute to him.
  • He has also played in bands as Rudan -80 and Dödsknarkarna.

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