Jeanes (7 April 1822 – 24 September 1907) was an American philanthropist.
She was born in Philadelphia, the city where she gave Spring Garden Institute, a technical school, $5,000,000; $100,000 to the Hicksite Friends; $200,000 to the Quaker schools of Philadelphia; and $200,000 to the Home for Aged Friends, now known as Stapeley In Germantown, a retirement home where she spent the closing years of her life.
In 1907 she transferred to the trusteeship of Booker T.
Washington and Hollis B.
Frissell the sum of $1,000,000 to be known as "The Fund for Rudimentary Schools for Southern Negroes" and to be used exclusively for the benefit of elementary negro schools in the South.
The Jeanes Foundation worked in close cooperation with the General Education Board.