Hans Hoffmann, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Hans Hoffmann

Gestapo officer

Date of Birth: 02-Dec-1919

Place of Birth: India

Profession: military personnel

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Hans Hoffmann

  • Hans Hoffmann (born December 2, 1919) was an SS-Rottenführer and member of staff at Auschwitz concentration camp.
  • He was prosecuted at the Auschwitz Trial. Born in India, Hoffmann was a German national with Yugoslavian citizenship.
  • He worked as a locksmith.
  • Following the invasion by Nazi forces, Hoffmann was drafted into the Yugloslavian army, and was taken prisoner by Germany.
  • He joined the SS on October 21, 1942 and was deployed to Auschwitz, where he initially worked as a guard.
  • Later he was assigned to the Politische Abteilung (camp Gestapo) in the main camp.
  • In October 1944, he was deployed to Birkenau, where he worked as an interrogator. Hoffmann was tried by the Supreme National Tribunal at the Auschwitz Trial in Kraków for his role at the camp, and was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
  • Due to an amnesty, he was released on July 14, 1956.

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