Agustín Agualongo, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Agustín Agualongo

Date of Birth: 25-Aug-1780

Place of Birth: San Juan de Pasto, Nariño Department, Colombia

Date of Death: 13-Jul-1824

Profession: military personnel

Nationality: Colombia

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Agustín Agualongo

  • Agustín Agualongo (1780–1824) was a commander on the royalist side in the wars for Colombian independence.
  • Of indigenous origin, he was born in the Andean town of San Juan de Pasto.
  • In 1811, he volunteered to fight on the royalist side, and served under the command of Colonel Basilio García and Colonel Francisco González, among others.
  • In 1822, as lieutenant colonel, he was credited with halting the progress of republican forces during the Southern Campaign.
  • In 1823, by now promoted to colonel, he was the losing commander in the Battle of Ibarra, Simón Bolívar's solitary military encounter on Ecuadorean soil.
  • He was captured and executed in Popayán in 1824, unaware that he had achieved the rank of general.
  • His last words were "Viva el rey!" or "Long live the king!" His remains were interred in a church in Popayán.
  • In 1987, they were taken away by a cell of the guerrilla group M-19 led by Antonio Navarro Wolff.
  • The remains were only returned in 1990.

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