Philippe Bouyer, Date of Birth


Philippe Bouyer

French physicist

Date of Birth: 07-Mar-1969

Profession: physicist, researcher

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Philippe Bouyer

  • Philippe Bouyer (born 7 March 1969) is a French physicist, researcher and director at the Laboratory for Photonics, Numerics and Nano-sciences in Talence, France.
  • He is also co-founder of Muquans, a company specialized in quantum technology-based gravity meters.
  • He is deputy director of the Institut d'Optique Graduate School and Editor in Chief of the new AVS Quantum Science journal from AIP Publishing and the American Vacuum Society. Bouyer graduated from Institut d'Optique Graduate School and obtained his PhD in Laboratoire Kastler Brossel at Ecole Normale Supérieure in 1994.
  • After joining the French National Center for Scientific Research, he focused his research on ultracold atoms, atom lasers and Anderson localization.
  • His current research interest concern matter-wave interferometry for tests of general relativity in microgravity and detection of gravitational waves.He was awarded the Louis D.
  • award from the Institut de France in 2012.
  • He is an APS Fellow and senior member of the Optical Society of America.

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