Hayashi Narinaga (? ??, 1517 – July 19, 1605) was a samurai during the Sengoku period, retainer of the Mori clan and was a ji-samurai (koku-jin-ryoshu) of southern Bingo Province.
He held many positions including karo (clan elder) serving Mori Motonari and his father Mori Hiromoto in diplomatic missions with Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
Narinaga was a bugyo under Mori Terumoto.
From Hideyoshi he received the rank of Hizen-no-kami (???).
He served as diplomat between the Mori and Hideyoshi.
Later he was bestowed the 5th court rank, junior grade Ju go-i-no-ge (???).
The character "nari, ?" came from his lord Mori Motonari and "naga, ?" from his father Kikuchi Takenaga.
Narinaga was one of the few to live through all the Sengoku period.