Haywood S. Hansell, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Haywood S. Hansell

American U.S. Air Force major general

Date of Birth: 28-Sep-1903

Place of Birth: Fort Monroe, Virginia, United States

Date of Death: 14-Nov-1988

Profession: military officer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Haywood S. Hansell

  • Haywood Shepherd Hansell Jr.
  • (September 28, 1903 – November 14, 1988) was a general officer in the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) during World War II, and later the United States Air Force.
  • He became an advocate of the doctrine of strategic bombardment, and was one of the chief architects of the concept of daylight precision bombing that governed the use of airpower by the USAAF in the war. Hansell played a key and largely unsung role in the strategic planning of air operations by the United States.
  • This included drafting both the strategic air war plans (AWPD-1 and AWPD-42) and the plan for the Combined Bomber Offensive in Europe; obtaining a base of operations for the B-29 Superfortress in the Mariana Islands; and devising the command structure of the Twentieth Air Force, the first global strategic air force and forerunner of the Strategic Air Command.
  • He made precision air attack, as both the most humane and effective means of achieving military success, a lifelong personal crusade that eventually became the key tenet of American airpower employment. Hansell also held combat commands during the war, carrying out the very plans and doctrines he helped draft.
  • He pioneered strategic bombardment of both Germany and Japan, as commander of the first B-17 Flying Fortress combat wing in Europe, and as the first commander of the B-29 force in the Marianas.

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