Johann VII, Duke of Mecklenburg, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Johann VII, Duke of Mecklenburg

Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin

Date of Birth: 07-Mar-1558

Place of Birth: Güstrow, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

Date of Death: 22-May-1592

Profession: politician

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Johann VII, Duke of Mecklenburg

  • Johann VII of Mecklenburg (7 March 1558 – 22 March 1592) (sometimes called Johann V, and usually translated to John VII or John V) was a Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Johann was the son of John Albert I, Duke of Mecklenburg-Güstrow and Schwerin (1525–1576), and his wife Duchess Anna Sophia of Prussia (1527–1591).
  • He was eighteen years old when his father died.
  • A regency council was appointed that ruled in his name for the next nine years. The regency handed over the actual rule of his territories to him in 1585.
  • He immediately faced problems he was ill-equipped to deal with, including massive debt and his uncle Christopher's demands for territorial concessions.
  • After an especially harsh argument with his uncle, he committed suicide. Since suicides could not be buried in hallowed ground, a story was concocted which alleged that Johann had been killed by the devil as part of a pact with two women from Schwerin.
  • The women were questioned: Katharina Wankelmuth, who died from the effects of torture, and Magdalena Rukitz, who was burned at the stake.
  • Their condemnation as witches cleared the way for Johann's burial in Schwerin Cathedral.

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