Anthony de Jasay (15 October 1925 – 23 January 2019) was a Hungarian writer, economist, and philosopher.
He studied in Székesfehérvár and Budapest, and obtained a degree in agriculture.
He then worked as a freelance journalist, but was forced to flee Hungary after the Communists nationalized his father's property.
This, and the events in early 1980s Poland inspired de Jasay to author his first book, The State (1985).
He spent two years in Austria, and then emigrated to Australia, where he took classes in economics at the University of Western Australia.
He did research at Oxford University and Nuffield College until 1962.
He spent the rest of his career publishing articles for the Economic Journal and the Journal of Political Economy, among others.Anthony de Jasay died on 23 January 2019, aged 93 in France.