Hiram Martin Chittenden (October 25, 1858 – October 9, 1917) was a noted historian of the American West, especially the fur trade.
A graduate of West Point, he was the Seattle district engineer for the Army Corps of Engineers (April 1906 – September 1908), for whom the Hiram M.
Chittenden Locks in Seattle, Washington, were named.
He was one of the first three elected Port Commissioners at the Port of Seattle.
He also helped found the Pacific Coast Association of Port Authorities, later known as the Association of Pacific Ports in 1913.
Historian Gordon B.
Dodds maintained, His works on the Yellowstone, the fur trade, and on Missouri River steamboating were long recognized as definitive....His style was formal, clear, and undramatic.
His works contain a mass of detail.
He was typical of the Progressive era of American history in his strong belief in progress and in 'the divine mission of the Anglo-Saxon.' Chittenden also wrote the noted work History of early steamboat navigation on the Missouri River : life and adventures of Joseph La Barge.