Johannes Hage, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Johannes Hage

Danish museum founder

Date of Birth: 26-Jun-1842

Date of Death: 14-Jan-1923

Profession: entrepreneur, curator, art collector

Nationality: Denmark

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Johannes Hage

  • Johannes Hage (1842 – 1923) was a Danish businessman who became a philanthropist and later founder of the Nivaagaard museum. He was the son of a brickworks director whose estate and complex at Nivaagaard he inherited in 1872.
  • Under his direction the company prospered by supplying bricks to building projects in Copenhagen.
  • With his wealth Hage subsidized the National Museum (Statens Museum for Kunst), but in 1908 decided to found his own art gallery, the Nivaagaards Malerisamling, with 150 paintings.
  • He opened it to the public and in 1908 he made up a will in which he bequeathed the entire collection to the state, along with the museum building and a capital of 60,000 Danish marks for maintenance.
  • In 1913 the later director and curator of the National Museum, Karl Madsen, wrote a catalog of his collection.

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