Theodor von Jürgensen, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Theodor von Jürgensen

German physician

Date of Birth: 11-Apr-1840

Place of Birth: Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Date of Death: 08-May-1907

Profession: physician, internist

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Theodor von Jürgensen

  • Theodor von Jürgensen (11 April 1840 – 8 May 1907) was a German internist who was a native of Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein. He studied medicine at the Universities of Kiel, Breslau and Tübingen, earning his doctorate in 1863.
  • Afterwards he was a lecturer in Kiel, where in 1869 he became an associate professor and head of its medical clinic. In 1873, he became a full professor of general therapy and director of the local policlinic at Tübingen, a position he maintained until his death in 1907. Jürgensen specialized in research of cardiovascular disease, and is remembered for his work involving treatment of pneumonia and measles.

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