Juan Margallo, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Juan Margallo

actor, director and author of Spanish Theatre

Date of Birth: 24-Sep-1940

Place of Birth: Cáceres, Extremadura, Spain

Profession: actor, playwright, theater director, film actor

Nationality: Spain

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Juan Margallo

  • Juan Margallo (born 24 September 1940) is a Spanish actor, theater director and dramaturge.
  • He has been considered as one of the main actors in the Spanish theater.
  • He has worked with Miguel Narros, Luis Escobar Kirkpatrick and JosĂ© Tamayo.
  • In 1976 he played Woyzeck, by Georg BĂĽchner and La sangre y la ceniza, by Alfonso Sastre.In 2011 he founded with his spouse Petra MartĂ­nez the Uroc Teatro, which received the Medalla de Oro al MĂ©rito en las Bellas Artes.

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