Juan Pinilla, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Juan Pinilla

Spanish musician

Date of Birth: 02-Jan-1981

Place of Birth: Huétor Tájar, Andalusia, Spain

Profession: singer

Nationality: Spain

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Juan Pinilla

  • Juan Pinilla Martin (Huétor-Tájar, January 2, 1981) is a flamenco singer from Granada (Spain), critic, writer and columnist.
  • In August, 2007 he won the Festival del Cante de las Minas, with the prize Lámpara Minera 2007, considered the most important flamenco prize.
  • He studied Translation and Interpretation.
  • At present he studies Law.
  • In 2014, he was nominated for the prestigious Latin Grammys Awards (Las Vegas, USA) In 2016 he was awarded the title of favorite son of the province of Granada (Spain) He is an artist committed with the social reasons.
  • The night he won the Lámpara Minera he dedicated the prize to the workers victims of the workplaces accidents.

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