Acharavadee Wongsakon, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Acharavadee Wongsakon

Thai lay Buddhist teacher who teaches Techo Vipassana Meditation

Date of Birth: 28-Sep-1965

Place of Birth: Bangkok, Thailand

Profession: businessperson

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Acharavadee Wongsakon

  • Acharavadee Wongsakon is a Thai lay Buddhist teacher and former entrepreneur who teaches a form of Vipassana meditation called Techo Vipassana Meditation.
  • She teaches this method to laypersons and ordained buddhist monks at various Techo Vipassana centers throughout Thailand.
  • She is the founder of the Knowing Buddha Organization, which campaigns against disrespectful uses of Buddha imagery and the general decline of morality in society.
  • Acharvadee and the Knowing Buddha Foundation have been endorsed by the National Office of Buddhism.

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