Antonia Franceschi, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Antonia Franceschi

American actor and choreographer

Date of Birth: 30-Mar-1960

Place of Birth: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Profession: actor, ballet dancer, choreographer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Antonia Franceschi

  • Antonia Franceschi (born March 30, 1960) is an American actress, dancer and choreographer. Antonia Franceschi was one of The last generations selected by George Balanchine to join The New York City Ballet, and is a Time Out Award winner for Outstanding Achievement In Dance. She is also known for her dance performances in the film musicals Fame and Grease.
  • Following her performances in those feature films, she danced under George Balanchine in New York, and now works as a choreographer and dance company director, sharing her time between the United Kingdom and the USA.

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