Henrik Munthe, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Henrik Munthe

Date of Birth: 01-Nov-1860

Date of Death: 15-Aug-1958

Profession: geologist

Nationality: Sweden

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Henrik Munthe

  • Henrik Vilhelm Munthe (1860–1958) was a Swedish geologist active at Uppsala University and the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU).
  • His research centered on the Quaternary geology of the Baltic Sea region, nevertheless he did also some contributions on the Silurian stratigraphy of Västergötland and Gotland.
  • Having begun his career using bicycles to survey the terrain Munthe continued to advocate using bicycle well after survey by car had become commonplace.A Gotlänning ("Gotlander") by birth Munthe's dialect is reported to have been Gotländska and he was particularly fond of working with issues regarding the island.
  • He was the editor of SGU's Gotland maps and lectured about its Quaternary geology at the Visby local history society in 1911.
  • Munthe was an active member of Geologiska föreningen i Stockholm being a longtime editor of its scientific journal Geologiska föreningens förhandlingar (now GFF).
  • He was also a member of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation and Svenska Turistföreningen.

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