Preben Møller Hansen, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Preben Møller Hansen

Danish writer, cook and politician

Date of Birth: 06-Sep-1929

Date of Death: 11-Sep-2008

Profession: politician, chef, trade unionist

Nationality: Denmark

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Preben Møller Hansen

  • Preben Møller Hansen (September 6, 1929 – September 11, 2008) was a Danish politician, trade unionist, writer and cook.
  • As chairman of Sømændenes Forbund (The Seaman's Federation), he earned the nickname in Denmark as "Sømandsbossen" (The Sailors Boss) and was well known for his populist manners, including a frequent use of swearwords and anti-elitist remarks.

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