1570 in Venice – April 22, 1622) belonged to the Venetian nobility and was Venetian ambassador to Paris and later to London .
He was the third son of Nicolò di Alvise of the family branch of San Polo and Maria Barbarigo di Antonio.
In 1622 he was sentenced to death for high treason by the Council of Ten and executed.
Ten months later, the same council rehabilitated Antonio Foscarini and explicitly informed the European courts of his posthumous exoneration, and the revocation of the guilty verdict and death sentence.
Notwithstanding the about turn, mystery still remains as to why an art-loving nobleman was embroiled in a Venetian tale of political intrigue, that involved factional infighting, institutional disputes between Church and State, and religious hostilities over Protestantism and Catholicism at the beginning of the Thirty Years' War, that led to the death of an innocent man.