David Earl Williams III (born January 8, 1984) is a United States Navy veteran, novelist,, Co-Chairman for the Chicago Chapter of Unite America , non-partisan candidate in the 2019 aldermanic election in Chicago's 48th ward against incumbent Harry Osterman, in which he received 16.25% (2,415) of the vote.
In the 2008 presidential general election, he supported and voted for Barack Obama , he was also a former 2014 Republican primary candidate for Illinois's 9th congressional district, and former Illinois Libertarian Lt.
Governor candidate.
He is related to the late former Democratic Oklahoma State Senator Gene Stipe.During the campaign Williams favored lifting the 1997 state ban on rent control to combat the spike in rent increases, implementation of the LaSalle St.
Tax in replace of raising property taxes, term limits for all city elected offices, ward reduction, an all-elected school board and Civilian Police Accountability Council, banning Horse carriages and replacing them with Pedicabs, increase funding to shelter the homeless and mental health programs.
and to re-establish the defunct City of Chicago Department of Environment to enforce littering laws.While speaking at the College of Complexes, he spoke on how to solve Chicago's gang violence with solutions such as advocating the full legalization of marijuana, decriminalization of harder drug substances, cracking down on illegal guns & more active shooter alarms installed in schools, ceasing with public school closures on the South & Westside, encourage ex-gang members who want a second chance in life to join the U.S military or Illinois National guard, and further promote ex-felons rights to vote in Illinois.