Wes Paul, Date of Birth


Wes Paul

Singer, Guitarist, actor, artist

Date of Birth: 28-Mar-1943

Profession: singer, boatswain, guitarist

Nationality: United Kingdom

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Wes Paul

  • Wester Paul Gerrard (Wes Paul) (born 28 March 1943) is an English guitarist and singer. Wes Paul grew up in Lodge Lane, Liverpool.
  • Between 13 November 2005 and 2 September 2007 he was the stage manager and compère of Sounds of the Sixties Cavern Showcase which ran every Sunday at The Cavern Club, Liverpool.
  • The organisation was started by Kingsize Taylor, his wife Marga and Wes Paul, who took on the extra roles of booking the bands and managing the website.
  • Every week five bands, or more, appeared performing music primarily from the 1950s and 1960s.
  • These acts ranged from young bands just starting out to original Merseybeat groups such as The Undertakers and The Mojos.

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