Pekkanini, Date of Birth



Swedish musician

Date of Birth: 02-Jul-1952

Profession: composer, musician

Nationality: Sweden

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Pekkanini

  • Pekkanini (born Pekka Lunde, July 2, 1952 in Uppsala) is a Swedish composer/musician with theremin as his speciality. He started in the '70s the rockgroup "Ensamma Hjärtan" ("The Lonely Hearts") together with fellow musician Gunnar Danielsson.
  • They later formed the duo Danielsson & Pekkanini and had some radio hits in the 1980s.
  • Pekkanini made his first solo albums in 1982 and 1986, "Pekkanini" and "Spotlight".
  • Since the early '80s he has composed music for more than 100 Swedish theater plays all around the country.
  • As a theremin player he has made 3 solo albums, Theremin Magic (2010), Theremins in the Jukebox (2011) and Theremin tunes played in odd bars (2013).
  • He also produced an album with songs by Sardinian composer Enrico Pasini called Songs for which he arranged and interpreted Pasini's music for theremin.
  • In 2010 he won his category in the music contest The People's Music Awards.
  • Pekkanini is a member of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences.

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