Venerable Nicola D'Onofrio was born on March 24, 1943, in Villamagna in the diocese of Chieti - Abruzzo.
He was baptized in the parish church of St.
Mary Major (Santa Maria Maggiore) on March 27, and was given the name Nicola.
His father was called Giovanni, an honest and religious man, a good farmer endowed with the simple and popular wisdom of the old country families of Abruzzo.
His mother, Virginia Ferrara was a strong but considerate woman, known for her piety and Christian spirit.
She was able to transmit to her son a genuine religious sense of life, sensitiveness, an outstanding kindness and peace of mind.
On the Feast of Corpus Domini, June 8, 1950, he received his first Holy Communion and three years later on October 17, 1953, he was confirmed.
He went to the primary school in Villamagna, close to Madonna del Carmine, where according to the teachers and his contemporaries, he distinguished himself for his diligence, kindness and availability for others.
He never missed serving Holy Mass at the parish church, where he was constant even in winter, though his home was several kilometers away, at the border with neighboring Bucchianico, the birthplace of St.