Janne Persson, Date of Birth


Janne Persson

Swedish singer and pianist

Date of Birth: 03-Oct-1947

Profession: pianist, musician

Nationality: Sweden

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Janne Persson

  • Jan Persson (Janne Lucas), born 3 October 1947 in Gothenburg's Gamlestad Parish in Gothenburg, Sweden is a Swedish pianist and singer, scoring several chart successes in Sweden during the 1970s and 80's.
  • Janne Lucas participated at Melodifestivalen 1980 with the song VĂ€xeln hallĂ„, coming in second.
  • The upcoming year he participated with the song Rocky Mountain ending up third. For many years, Janne Lucas also acted as pianist for Vi i femman Janne also accompanied the vocal group Noviserna for a while, where Anna-Lisa Cederquist participated. The addressing name "Lucas" comes from a pop band in Gothenburg, where he was a pianist and singer during the late 1960s.
  • The pop band Lucas won Sveriges Radio's Pop Band Competition in 1967, and charted at Tio i topp with the song Anti-Social Season.
  • Before that, the cover song "Go Now" had already charted. In a Bildjournalen issue was a commercial record with, among others, the band Lucas and the song One Night Stand. On 6 November 2009, he participated at Doobidoo in SVT, playing the piano performing "VĂ€xeln hallĂ„". He's also a choral director for Onsala and Mölnlycke Gospel Choir

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