(January 12, 1909 – December 3, 1948) was an inmate at Alcatraz prison (Inmate nr 462) who was believed to have a share in the Alcatraz uprising or Battle of Alcatraz in 1946.
Two prison guards died.
Bill Miller was shot by Joe Cretzer, and Harold Stites was mistakenly shot by the officers on the hill outside who were firing into the D block.
Three inmates, Bernie Coy, Joe Cretzer and Marv Hubbard, were all killed by countless rounds of rifle fire, grenades, tear gas and deck gun shells of the Coast Guard, US Marine Corps, Prison and Police Department.
It was assumed that the inmates had obtain automatic rifles and the uprising was organized by six inmates : Clarence Carnes Inmate no.
714, Bernard Coy Inmate no.
415, Sam Shockley Inmate no.
462, Miran Thompson Inmate no.
729, Joseph Paul Cretzer Inmate no.
548 and Marvin Hubbard Inmate no.
645, this mainly by the bias of the sensation-loving press and media, they were already labeled killers.