Erol Evcil, Date of Birth


Erol Evcil

Turkish businessman

Date of Birth: 02-May-1966

Profession: businessperson

Nationality: Turkey

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Erol Evcil

  • Erol Evcil (born 2 May 1966, Mudanya, Bursa Province), is a Turkish businessman convicted of money-laundering and ordering a murder.
  • Coming from an olive-growing background, he became known as the "olive king", and founded Zeytinoglu Holding in the late 1980s.
  • In the 1990s he employed many former high-ranking state officials, and won state privatization tenders.
  • He was a millionaire by age 25, and top of the police "most wanted" list by age 30.
  • At the height of his success he had three private planes (which he lent freely to politicians and public officials), and a famous singer (Gülben Ergen) as a girlfriend, and was one of the most famous people in Turkey.He went into hiding in 1998 after his business empire, much of it based on bank loans running into hundreds of millions of dollars obtained fraudulently, began to unravel.
  • He was arrested in April 1999, charged with ordering the 1997 murder of Nesim Malki, and convicted in 2004.
  • He was a friend of Alaattin Çakici and Mehmet Agar, and had done business with Cavit Çaglar, Korkmaz Yigit, Orhan Tasanlar and Yavuz Ataç.
  • In 2013 he was sentenced to 15 years for money-laundering.

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