Albert Mehrabian, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Albert Mehrabian

American psychologist

Date of Birth: 17-Nov-1939

Place of Birth: Iran

Profession: psychologist, university teacher

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Albert Mehrabian

  • Albert Mehrabian, born in 1939 to an Armenian family living in Iran, is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles.
  • Although he originally trained as an engineer, he is best known for his publications on the relative importance of verbal and nonverbal messages.
  • He also constructed a number of psychological measures including the Arousal Seeking Tendency Scale.Mehrabian's findings on inconsistent messages of feelings and attitudes (the "7%-38%-55% Rule") are well-known, the percentages relating to relative impact of words, tone of voice, and body language when speaking.
  • Arguably these findings have been misquoted and misinterpreted throughout human communication seminars worldwide.

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