Reinhardt Grossmann (10 January 1931 – 2 July 2010) was a German–born American philosopher.
He was born in Berlin and was professor at Indiana University, Bloomington from 1962 onwards.
Grossman's work is notable for its openness to both contemporary analytical philosophy and modern continental philosophy.
He is the author of several books, including Reflections on Frege's Philosophy (1969), Meinong (1974), Phenomenology and Existentialism (1984), The Fourth Way: A Theory of Knowledge (1990), and The Existence of the World: An Introduction to Ontology (1992).
Grossmann has developed a neo-Kantian epistemology according to which what passes for reality is determined by an intellectual categorical framework.
He has expounded it in The Structure of Mind (1965) and The Categorical Structure of the World (1983).