J. Barkley Rosser Jr., Date of Birth, Place of Birth


J. Barkley Rosser Jr.

American mathematical economist

Date of Birth: 12-Apr-1948

Place of Birth: Ithaca, Ionian Islands Region, Greece

Profession: mathematician, economist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About J. Barkley Rosser Jr.

  • John Barkley Rosser Jr.
  • (born 12 April 1948) is a mathematical economist and Professor of Economics at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia since 1988.
  • He is known for work in nonlinear economic dynamics, including applications in economics of catastrophe theory, chaos theory, and complexity theory (complex dynamics, complexity economics).
  • With Marina V.
  • Rosser he invented the concept of the "new traditional economy".
  • He introduced into economic discourse the concepts of chaotic bubbles, chaotic hysteresis (op.
  • cit., p.
  • 326), and econochemistry.
  • He also invented the concepts of the megacorpstate and hypercyclic morphogenesis.
  • He was the first to provide a mathematical model of the period of financial distress in a speculative bubble.
  • With Marina V.
  • Rosser and Ehsan Ahmed, he was the first to argue for a two-way positive link between income inequality (economic inequality) and the size of an underground economy in a nation.
  • Rosser's equation has been used to forecast ratios of future Social Security benefits to current ones in real terms.

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