Māris Grīnblats, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Māris Grīnblats

Latvian politician

Date of Birth: 05-Jan-1955

Place of Birth: Kuldīga, Kuldīga Municipality, Latvia

Profession: politician

Nationality: Latvia

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Māris Grīnblats

  • Maris Grinblats (born 5 January 1955 in Kuldiga, Soviet Union) is a Latvian politician for For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK (TB/LNNK). Grinblats was a member of the Citizens' Congress, and a leader of the 18th November Union that emerged from it.
  • He became the founding leader of For Fatherland and Freedom (TB), a party that was created from 18 November Union, in 1993.
  • After the 1995 parliamentary election, Grinblats, as leader of the centre-right 'National Bloc' coalition formed around TB, was asked to become Prime Minister, but, on 23 November, he failed to get the confidence of the Saeima: falling short by one vote.
  • Instead, he became Minister for Education and Science and a Deputy Prime Minister to Andris Škele.During Grinblats leadership of TB, it merged with Latvian National Independence Movement to form the TB/LNNK, and Grinblats became the party's first chairman.
  • He remained in that position until 2002, at the beginning of the 8th Saeima, when he became President of the TB/LNNK's faction in the national legislature, the Saeima, which he remained in the 9th Saeima.

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