Peder Claussøn Friis, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Peder Claussøn Friis

Norwegian clergyman and author

Date of Birth: 01-Apr-1545

Place of Birth: Egersund, Rogaland, Norway

Date of Death: 15-Oct-1614

Profession: writer, priest, historian

Nationality: Norway

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Peder Claussøn Friis

  • Peder Claussøn Friis (1 April 1545 – 15 October 1614) was a Norwegian clergyman, author and historian.
  • He is most associated with his translation of Snorre Sturlessøns Norske Kongers Chronica.Peder Claussen Friis grew up in Audnedal in the county of Vest-Agder, Norway.
  • Dating from about 1550, his father, Claus Friis, had been a minister in the Sør-Audnedal parish, of Lindesnes, Vest-Agder.
  • Friis received his initial education under the direction of the bishop of Diocese of Stavanger.
  • Friis started his duties as a priest at age 20 as chaplain under his father.
  • When his father died in 1566, Friis took over the position as vicar and was the same year appointed as provost of the Deanery of Lista.
  • Sør-Audnedal parish was sizable covering the Lindesnes peninsula and the lower part of Audnedal, west of Mandal including churches in Valle, Vigmostad and Spangereid.
  • By 1575, Friis was made a member of the Cathedral chapter in Stavanger.
  • Before 1590, he received the title of archdeacon.His early writings included descriptions of Iceland (1580), Faroe Islands (1592), Greenland (1596) and Norwegian natural history (1599).
  • In 1599, Axel Gyldenstjerne, Governor-general of Norway, gave him the task of translating Old Norse transcripts, including the Bagler sagas and works by Snorri Sturluson including Norske Kongers Chronica.
  • None of the publications of Peder Claussen were printed while he was alive.
  • The first publication of Norske kongers chronic was printed in Copenhagen during 1632.Historian Frederik Winkel Horn said of him: "He rendered great services to the history of Norway by his translation of the old sagas of the kings.
  • Like Vedel's his work is marked by its excellent style.
  • This also applies to his other writings, as for instance his Norriges og omliggende Oers Beskrivelse—a description of Norway and adjacent islands—in which is found historical material of value.
  • His language is remarkably pure and his style is even and artless."

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