Jahangir Mamatov, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Jahangir Mamatov

politician, linguist, journalist, writer

Date of Birth: 01-Sep-1955

Place of Birth: Samarqand District, Samarqand Region, Uzbekistan

Profession: writer, politician, journalist

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Jahangir Mamatov

  • Jahangir Mamatov (Russian: ????????? ???????) is a linguist, lexicographer, author, journalist, and a political analyst of Central Asian issues.
  • He is a former member of the Uzbek Parliament and a co-author of Uzbekistan's Declaration of Independence.
  • His writings, tenure in parliament, and other political activities were often greatly at odds with the Uzbek government.
  • He was arrested but escaped into exile for many years.
  • In 2005 he was instrumental in forming the democratic opposition group Congress of Democratic Uzbekistan (CDU) and became its first chairman.
  • His writings are still banned in Uzbekistan.

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