James Gilfillan, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


James Gilfillan

Treasurer of the United States

Date of Birth: 25-Apr-1836

Place of Birth: Belchertown, Massachusetts, United States

Date of Death: 08-Apr-1929

Profession: bureaucrat

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About James Gilfillan

  • James Gilfillan (April 25, 1836 – April 8, 1929) was the 13th Treasurer of the United States. Gilfillan was a native of Belchertown, Massachusetts, born there to Scottish parents.
  • In 1856 he graduated from Williams College, where he was a classmate of future President James A.
  • Garfield. After graduation, he worked as a country editor of a weekly newspaper, reading law with the goal of entering the bar at the same time.
  • He abandoned both professions, instead taking a clerkship at the Treasury Department in 1861, at an annual salary of $1,200.
  • He remained a clerk until President Ulysses S.
  • Grant made him cashier of the United States under Treasurer John C.
  • New. Gilfillan, rising steadily through the ranks, was appointed Treasurer by President Rutherford B.
  • Hayes, and he served from July 1, 1877 to March 31, 1883.
  • During this period he was also Sinking Fund Commissioner for the District of Columbia; he was not paid for his service on the board until a bill of Senator George P.
  • McLean of Connecticut passed Congress, awarding him $4,750. As Treasurer, Gilfillan acquired a reputation for integrity in his dealings, launching anti-corruption investigations, avoiding politics, and attending to his business.In his later years, Gilfillan lived in Colchester, Connecticut.
  • In November 1928, he was one of only five persons over the age of 90 to vote in the town.
  • He died at his home there, aged 92, and his funeral took place two days later.
  • He was survived by four daughters.

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