Jan Lipšanský, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Jan Lipšanský

Czech publicist, scriptwriter and writer

Date of Birth: 27-Sep-1968

Place of Birth: Brno, South Moravian Region, Czech Republic

Profession: screenwriter, writer, journalist

Nationality: Czech Republic

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Jan Lipšanský

  • Jan Lipšanský (born 27 September 1968, in Brno) is a Czech journalist, screenplay writer, writer and stage director.He studied at Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, screenplaywriting and dramaturgy.
  • He is active in advertisement (Mark/BBDO, JWT, Mother Tongue etc.), as journalist he was in various known Czech newspapers and magazines ("Vecerník Praha, Kino, PC World, DiViDi, Katolický týdeník, Tiscali, Filmpub, Christnet and others).
  • He worked as public relations editor in Czech Television (1995–1997). He wrote some screenplays for Czech Television and for some amateur movie makers.
  • He is also active in radio broadcasting Czech Radio, Radio Vaticana.
  • He was the president of Ecumenical Jury at Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2002.His stories you can find in Mysli si svet (Kruh Hradec Králové, 1990), Jak Ceši jednají (Milenium Publishing Chomutov 2000), Fantasy 1992 /2002 (Avari/Klub Julese Vernea 2003), Ceské srdce pro Jana Pavla II.
  • (Karmelitánské nakladatelství 2005), Brnenská diecéze (1777–2007), Historie a vzpomínky (Brnenské biskupství 2006), sborník literární souteže Rehecská slepice 2007. His first novel, The Death of Fallen Brother (Smrt odpadlého bratra) was published by Fatym, 2005, and reprinted by Akcent, Trebíc in 2009.
  • He also wrote historic drama about Czech king Wenceslas II.
  • Deník Václava II.In 2011 he directed stage play Smíšené dvouhry (Mixed Doubles)He is also author of comics ZOO Stories (Príbehy ze ZOO) for famous Czech magazine Ctyrlístek.Some of his Prague stories (with various other authors) you can find in the book Prague Mysteries, published in 2015.

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