Jan Robbe (born 14 June 1980 in Ghent, Belgium), otherwise known by his music project aliases Atomhead, Erratic, UndaCova and Diagnostic, is an electronic music artist.
He founded the experimental netlabel Entity in 2003 with friend Nico de Gols (aka Kaebin Yield).
Jan Robbe is known for expressing various musical styles under different pseudonyms.
Atomhead and UndaCova, his two most prominent projects, focus on fractured industrial beats and densely textured DSP sound design techniques, whereas Erratic is a vehicle for pursuing more minimal long-form ambiental directions.
The most recent (2018) Diagnostic project explores experimental sound design, glitch and noise structures, combining digital and modular synthesis.
Robbe has released music on distinguished labels such as Dyslexic Response and Hangars Liquides, and collaborated with artists who operate in similar aesthetic domains, including La Peste, Neurocore, Subskan and Xanopticon.
Besides his activities as music producer, Robbe is also known for creating generative (mostly fractal) graphic design as FRAMEofMIND and as an indie game developer responsible for creating Hyperspace Invaders, a bullet hell shmup with audiovisual and generative gameplay characteristics.