Janusz Szpotanski, (pen names Wladyslaw Gnomacki, Aleksander Oniegow) (January 12, 1929 in Warsaw – October 13, 2001 in Warsaw) was a Polish poet, satirist, critic, translator, literary theorist and chess player (a three times chess champion of Warsaw, he also held a nationwide title of Master).
He was the creator of satirical tragi-comedic poems which ridiculed the communist government of Poland.
These works were often written in an absurdist, grotesque style, and specifically lampooned prominent members of the Polish communist party, as well as the general "low life" mentality of the average Communist Party member.
He is best known for creating the character of "Towarzysz Szmaciak" (literally: Comrade Dishrag, but idiomatically Comrade Cretin or Comrade Scumbag) - an uneducated, dull, cynical, sadistic, anti-semitic and stupid individual who supported the communist party out of opportunistic, not ideological motives.
The metaphor of a "dishrag" alludes to the fact that individuals of this kind, while forming the support base of communism in Poland at the time, where considered useful by the party elite (much like a dishrag is necessary to clean up dirt) but at the same time despised by them (since the dishrag itself is dirty).
For ridiculing Wladyslaw Gomulka in his poem "Cisi i gegacze" (The Silent and the Blabbers) he was arrested in 1967 and in 1968 sentenced to three years in prison on the charge of "spreading information harmful to the interests of state".
During the March events of 1968, Gomulka referred to him in several of his official speeches, calling him "a man with a mentality of a pimp" and referring to his work as "reactionary doggerel" which "breathed with poisonous sadistic venom against our (communist) authority".Szpotanski was a member of the Stowarzyszenie Pisarzy Polskich (Union of Polish Writers).
On September 23, 2006, he was posthumously awarded the Polonia Restituta Commander's Cross by the President of Poland, Lech Kaczynski.