Javad Shamaqdari, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Javad Shamaqdari

iranian film director

Date of Birth: 06-Jan-1960

Place of Birth: Mashhad, Razavi Khorasan Province, Iran

Profession: screenwriter, film director, film editor

Nationality: Iran

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Javad Shamaqdari

  • Javad Shamaqdari (Persian: ???? ???????; born January 5, 1960) is an Iranian filmmaker and the former deputy culture minister of film under President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
  • He has attacked the film 300 as psychological warfare and accused American 'cultural authorities' and Hollywood of attacking Iranian culture.He has since rebuffed American film director Oliver Stone's offer to make a film about President Ahmadinejad, saying Iran would only allow it if an Iranian director was allowed to make a film about George W.
  • Bush.
  • Like 300, Stone's 2004 biopic Alexander was controversial in Iran for its depictions of ancient Persians. In April 2012, he responded to "What Must Be Said" with a letter to Günter Grass: "I have read your literary work, highly responsible both from a human and historical point of view, and I found it extremely timely.
  • Telling the truth in such a way may truly awaken the west's silent and dormant conscience".

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