Jean Trembley, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Jean Trembley

Genevan mathematician

Date of Birth: 13-Apr-1749

Place of Birth: Geneva, Canton of Geneva, Switzerland

Date of Death: 18-Sep-1811

Profession: physics, mathematician, psychologist, philosopher

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Jean Trembley

  • Jean Trembley (April 13, 1749 – September 18, 1811), born at Geneva and died in Le Mas-d'Agenais, was a Genevan mathematician who contributed to the development of differential equations, finite differences, and the calculus of probabilities.
  • He was also active in philosophy, astronomy and psychology. Nephew of the naturalist Abraham Trembley, Jean Trembley first studied law in Geneva, before turning to astronomy under the direction of Jacques-AndrĂ© Mallet, director of the Geneva Observatory.
  • He also traveled in the Alps with Horace-BĂ©nĂ©dict de Saussure and made with him his doctoral dissertation on the theory of generation (1767).
  • In it, he advocated the views of Charles Bonnet, whose disciple he always pretended to be in the fields of philosophy and psychology.He made part of his career in Berlin, where he was a member of the Prussian Academy of Science and Letters.
  • He published 30 articles in the MĂ©moires de l'AcadĂ©mie de Berlin and a few others in Bode's Jahrbuch and in other periodicals.
  • He was a correspondent of the Paris Academy of Sciences (1784), later Institute of France (1804), an honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Russia in St.
  • Petersburg (1793), and a member of the Berlin Academy of Prussia (1794; honorary member in 1807).

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