Hermann von Struve, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Hermann von Struve

Baltic German astronomer

Date of Birth: 03-Oct-1854

Place of Birth: Pulkovo, Russia

Date of Death: 12-Aug-1920

Profession: astronomer, university teacher

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Hermann von Struve

  • Karl Hermann von Struve (3 October [O.S.
  • 21 September] 1854 – 12 August 1920) was a Baltic German astronomer.
  • In Russian, his name is sometimes given as German Ottovich Struve (?????? ??????? ??????) or German Ottonovich Struve (?????? ????????? ??????) in Russian. Hermann von Struve was a part of the famous group of astronomers from the Struve family, which also included his grandfather Friedrich Georg Wilhelm von Struve, father Otto Wilhelm von Struve, brother Ludwig Struve and nephew Otto Struve.
  • Unlike other astronomers of the Struve family, Herman spent most of his career in Germany.
  • Continuing the family tradition, Struve's research was focused on determining the positions of stellar objects.
  • He was particularly known for his work on satellites of planets of the Solar System and development of the intersatellite method of correcting their orbital position.
  • The mathematical Struve function is named after him.

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