Joana Amaral Dias, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Joana Amaral Dias

Portuguese politician

Date of Birth: 01-Jan-1975

Place of Birth: Luanda, Luanda Province, Angola

Profession: politician, psychiatrist

Nationality: Portugal

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Joana Amaral Dias

  • Joana Beatriz Nunes Vicente Amaral Dias, widely referred to in the media as Joana Amaral Dias (born in Luanda, Angola, on 13 May 1973) is a Portuguese politician and clinical psychologist, with master's and Ph.D.
  • degrees in that area.
  • She is the daughter of psychiatrist Carlos Amaral Dias.
  • Besides clinical practice, university teaching and scientific research, she is the author of numerous papers and scholarly articles.
  • In 2010 she published the book Maníacos de Qualidade ("Maniacs of Quality"), a biographical and psychological analysis of historical figures in Portugal.
  • She was also one of the highest ranked party members of the Bloco de Esquerda (Left Block), although elected for member of the Portuguese Parliament as an independent (2002–2005).
  • In the Portuguese presidential election, 2006 she was a supporter of Mário Soares with a mandate for the youth.
  • She is also a columnist and political analyst.
  • Joana Amaral Dias collaborated with the Diário de Notícias, TSF, SIC, and SIC Notícias.
  • She authored the political column on RTP N and wrote in the newspaper Correio da Manhã and the blog Frontal Cortex.

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