Joe Mangrum, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Joe Mangrum

American artist

Date of Birth: 10-Feb-1969

Place of Birth: Florissant, Missouri, United States

Profession: painter, sculptor

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Joe Mangrum

  • Joe Mangrum (born February 10, 1969) is an installation and multiple-medium artist who is particularly known for his large-scale colored sand paintings.
  • He resides in New York City.
  • Using a wide spectrum of components, his work often includes organic materials, such as flowers, food and sand, in addition to deconstructed computer parts, auto-parts and a multitude of found and collected objects.
  • His installations often include mandala-like forms, pyramids, maps, grids and mushroom clouds and the Ouroboros.

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